A custom __date lookup for Django

Published on 2015-10-18 20:40:37.236361+00:00
database   django   lookups   orm   postgres   python  

⚠ Django 1.9 now includes a built-in __date lookup. If possible, you should use that instead of the code below, which doesn't support timezones.

In my post last week on date lookups, I ended with a promise to take a look at building a custom django lookup (namely, a __date lookup). Django includes a basic Lookup class, and to build your own lookup expressions, all you really need to do is:

  1. Subclass django.db.models.Lookup
  2. define a lookup_name attribute
  3. write the as_sql method to define how your database should handle building the query

As promised, here's a quick example. Assume we have the following model (silly, but simple) model. For illustration purposes, it has both a DateField and a DateTimeField. We'll build our lookup, so that it works with both fields.

from django.db import models

class Meeting(models.Model):
    date = models.DateField()
    scheduled = models.DateTimeField()

Step 1: Let's build the lookup, which I'm going to creatively name, DateLookup.

from django.db.models import Lookup

class DateLookup(Lookup):
    """A custom lookup, that lets you query DateField and DateTimeFields by a date"""

    lookup_name = 'date'  # This enables us to use __date='2015-10-18' in a query

    def as_sql(self, compiler, connection):
        # The left-hand-side (lhs) in the query's WHERE clause. It consists
        # of your app name and field name. e.g. '"myapp"."scheduled"'
        # In this case, the left-hand-side has no params.
        lhs, lhs_params = self.process_lhs(compiler, connection)

        # The right-hand-side (rhs) + its params will define the input used
        # in the query's WHERE clause. At this point, the rhs_params will
        # be a datetime object, e.g.: datetime(2015, 10, 18, 0, 0, tzinfo=)
 rhs, rhs\_params = self.process\_rhs(compiler, connection)

 # Both PostgreSQL and MySQL have a DATE function that lets us query
 # by date. The where clause in the generated SQL will look something
 # like, WHERE DATE(scheduled) = '2015-10-18'
 params = lhs\_params + rhs\_params
 return 'DATE(%s) = %s' % (lhs, rhs), params

Step 2: Register it with the appropriate model field(s). In this case, both the DateField and DateTimeField.

The Django docs include an important note about registering custom lookups:

from django.db.models.fields import DateField, DateTimeField


You will need to ensure that this registration happens before you try to create any querysets using it. You could place the implementation in a models.py file, or register the lookup in the ready() method of an AppConfig.

Now, open a django shell, and you can run a query like the following, which queries against a date field. This should give you all the Meetings where date = datetime.date(2015, 10, 18):


Or, you can do the following, which queries agains a datetime field, which should give you all the meetings where the scheduled column includes 2015-10-18.


There's more to custom lookups in Django, and I highly recommend reading through the custom lookups documentation because it also includes a really great example, as well.

Note: All the code in this post was written using Python 3.4 and Django 1.8.