Customizing Django's password_change view

Published on 2012-10-30 21:30:49+00:00
django   programming   python   web  

If you have a site where users have the traditional username/password combination, you've got to provide some way to let users change their password. Luckily, this is fairly easy to do with Django. The auth app comes with a password_change view that does what you'd probably expect.

It's also fairly easy to set up. You add a line similar to the following to your root URLConf:

url(r'^accounts/', include('django.contrib.auth.urls')),

You also have to set up some additional templates (e.g. registration/password_change_form.html), but once you've done that, users can change their password using a form that looks something like this:

Old password:

New password:

New password confirmation:

Easy! Until...

What if I can't remember my old password?

Or worse, yet, what if your users don't have a usable password? If you're using something like the excellent django-social-auth, which lets users log in using OAuth or OpenID (i.e. via Facebook, Twitter, Google, or some other source) you may run into this case.

So, how can I omit the Old Password requirement in the change password form? We're in luck. The password_change view accepts a password_change_form parameter that allows you to specify what form is used. The auth app also contains a form that doesn't require entering the Old password (it's used in the admin app!). It's called, AdminPasswordChangeForm. So, all we have to do is update our root URLConf yet again:

from django.contrib.auth.forms import AdminPasswordChangeForm

ulrpatterns = patterns('', 
    # ...
    url(r'^accounts/password_change/$',  # hijack password_change's url
        {'password_change_form': AdminPasswordChangeForm},
    url(r'^accounts/', include('django.contrib.auth.urls')),

Remember that the url function allows you to specify keword parameters for views, and that's exactly what we've done with this: {'password_change_form': AdminPasswordChangeForm}. That customizes the form that gets used in the password_change view.

Now, when our users try to change their password, the form looks something like this:

New password:

New password confirmation:

Disclaimer: This does remove one additional step that a potential attacker would need to overcome in order to steal an account. So, make sure you understand why you'd implement this before you do so.
