If you run a Django site, you're probably familiar with those periodic emails due to a SuspiciousOperation exception; it happens when your site receives a request that contains a host header that's now found in the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting. Yes, they're annoying, and while it's good to know when this happens, I've found that there will typically be one or two requests that you get frequently (I'm looking at you, request for /azenv.php
from check.proxyradar.com
In these cases, I think it's ok to just block these requests, so we no longer get those annoying emails. We can do this with a fairly simple middleware. It'll need to be listed first in your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
settings, otherwise some other middleware might trigger the SuspiciousOperation exception.
First, though, let's set a list of urls in our settings. I called these IGNORE_BAD_HOST_HEADERS
, and added as follows:
'proxyradar.com', # Stupid check.proxyradar.com/azenv.php
I have a utils
app where I include miscellaneous bits of code, so in utils/middleware.py
, I added the following class:
from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpResponse
class IgnoreRequestMiddleware(object):
"""Sometimes we get obviously bad requests. If we can detect those, we'll
just ignore them outright, returning a little easer egg instead.
To test this, set DEBUG=False, and use:
curl --verbose --header 'Host: example.com' 'http://yoursite.com'
NOTE: In order for this to work, this must be listed first in the
def _ignore_domain(self, request):
"""ignore requests from obviously bad domains. This will circumvent
those annoying Invalid HTTP_HOST header errors."""
ignored_domains = getattr(settings, 'IGNORE_BAD_HOST_HEADERS', [])
return any([
domain in request.META.get('HTTP_HOST', '')
for domain in ignored_domains
def process_request(self, request):
if self._ignore_domain(request):
teapot = """<html><body><pre>
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resp = HttpResponse(teapot)
resp.status_code = 418
return resp
Now, in your settings, you'll need to add something similar to:
And there you go! No more annoying SuspiciousOperation emails due to requests from that one particular host. Now, this is kind of a hack, albeit a fun one. A much better solution to this problem would be to block these requests at your webserver (e.g. in apache or nginx).
In any event, you can deploy and and check it out with curl: curl --verbose --header 'Host: example.com' 'http://yoursite.com'