Lingo Day One

Published on 2024-10-12 01:50:00+00:00
food   health   fitness  

Day 1

I installed (attached?) the Lingo CGM last night before going to bed. These are my thoughts for day 1.


If you've seen ads for any of the CGM's, you've probably seen how easy it is to use one of these things. It comes with an applicator and the process is basically:

  1. unscrew the applicator lid
  2. push the applicator into the monitor
  3. push the applicator + monitor into the back of your arm.

It's as easy as that. I felt a slight prick on application, but honestly it wasn't painful at all. I had a weird sensation on my arm for about two minutes afterward, but that could just be a weird me thing.

I slept with it all night, with no ill effects, and 12 hours later I didn't notice it at all.

Oh, and yes... I showered with it on. No big deal.


It's only been one day, but I've already been surprised that my blook sugar seems to be fairly uneven, though I'm pretty consistently in the 70-140mg/dL range that the app says is normal. Oh, and the app &mdadsh; it's really well-designed (imho) and very easy to use, though it's crammed full of "easy-to-understand" health benefit videos that tell you to eat more protein, eat more veggies, and lay off the donuts.

I have seen a spike at every meal today (breakfast, lunch & dinner), though the biggest spike was at dinner where I had a 130+ grams of carbs.


So far so good... it's intersting, but I'm not yet sure how actionable this information is. Let's continue & see what happens in a few more days.

P.S. My CGM showed up on a day that I also started feeling sick ☹️, so I haven't incorporated any exercise yet. Hopefully that happens soon. 🤞