Streaming Replication in PostgreSQL 9.1

Published on 2012-03-03 15:29:24+00:00
database   postgresql  

Not long ago, I set up synchronous, streaming replication in PostgreSQL 9.1 in order to build a Hot Standby system. This is the story of that journey.

This post is mostly based on the 5-minute simple replication tutorial from the PostgreSQL wiki, but with a few modifications and clarifications. There's also lots of good information in the Streaming Replication wiki from the PostgreSQL wiki.

For the remainder of this post, assume that you have a Master at (host named db0) and a Standby at (host named db1).

Configure the Master

In postgresql.conf, you need to set the following:

listen_address = '*'
wal_level = hot_standby
max_wal_senders = 3

There is one caveat of running a hot standby system: if the standby crashes, the master will continue to wait for a response on every transaction. This is a Bad Thing. You should adequately monitor this so you know when it happens!

Now, in pg_hba.conf, you need to add this:

host replication all trust

This gives your standby server permissions to connect to the master.

Configure the Standby

Now, on the standby machine, edit postgresql.conf so that it includes:

hot_standby = on

Then, add a recovery.conf file. This ususally goes in PostgreSQL's data directory, which defaults to /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main on Ubuntu. This file should contain:

standby_mode = 'on'
primary_conninfo = 'host= application_name=db1'

Data Transfer

Just to make sure the appropriate processes are running, verify that there's a sender process that will run on the master and a receiver process that will run on the standby. You can check for those with ps -ef | grep sender and ps -ef | grep receiver, respectively.

At this point, we've got to make sure the Standby contains an exact copy of the data from the Master. Shut down the PostgreSQL service on the master and standby (e.g. with a command such as invoke-rc.d postgresql stop). Then copy data files from the master to the standby. You must exclude any config files if you've put any there (we haven't in this tutorial) as well as the pg_xlog directory.:

rsync -av --exclude pg_xlog

Then, start the standby and the master (invoke-rc.d postgresql start on both systems).


Now it's time to test this setup. Log into the master (ssh root@ and create a sample database:

$ su postgres
$ createdb sampledb

Now, access the postgresql command prompt:

$ psql -d sampledb

Create a simple table and populate it with some data:

CREATE table samples (
    id integer  PRIMARY KEY,
    name varchar(25),
    stuff text

INSERT into samples values (1, 'foo', 'lots of foo');
INSERT into samples values (2, 'bar', 'lots of bar');
INSERT into samples values (3, 'baz', 'lots of baz');
INSERT into samples values (4, 'bin', 'lots of bin');

Now, in another shell, log into your standby (ssh root@, and fire up the psql prompt:

$ su postgres
$ psql -d sampledb

Look at a list of the tables:

sampledb=# \d
          List of relations
 Schema |  Name   | Type  |  Owner
 public | samples | table | postgres
(1 row)

Then query the samples table:

sampledb=# select * from samples;
 id | name |    stuff
  1 | foo  | lots of foo
  2 | bar  | lots of bar
  3 | baz  | lots of baz
  4 | bin  | lots of bin
(4 rows)

Now, try to insert some more data:

sampledb=# insert into samples values (5, 'asdf', 'more asdf');
ERROR:  cannot execute INSERT in a read-only transaction

Whoops! The standby server gives you Read-Only access to the data.

Checking the WAL Status

On the master, you can run the following command to see the current WAL write location:

SELECT pg_current_xlog_location();

Then on the standby, you can run:

SELECT pg_last_xlog_receive_location();


SELECT pg_last_xlog_replay_location();

If you get the same values, then replication is up-to-date... otherwise there is some lag. We haven't set up synchronous replication, yet, so in a production environment (with a lot of data getting written to the database) it's possible the Standby would lag behind the master. If you need both systems to always be idendical, you can flip on synchronous replication.

Synchronous Replication

Enabling Synchronous Replaction just takes a couple of additional steps. Keep in mind though, that this should only be done when there's little latency between the master and the standby! That's because each query on the master will wait for a responce from the standby, which has to go over the network. I would only configure synchronous replication if both the master and standby are connected over a local (preferably private) network.

Ok, to make it happen, add the following to postgresql.conf on the Master:

synchronous_standby_names = 'db1'

Where the value here is a comma-separated list of your standby servers. You can have more than one, but only the first one will be used. If for some reason the first one dies, the second will become the standby.

Restart postgresql, then check out the status of your data synchronization (still on the master):

$ su posgresql
$ psql

Then run:

SELECT usename, application_name, client_addr, client_hostname, sync_state FROM pg_stat_replication;

You should see something like this:

usename   | application_name |  client_addr    | client_hostname | sync_state
 postgres | db1              | |                 | sync

Now, just for fun, go back and insert a bunch of data in your master, then query on your standby machine. You should see the same results on both machines!

What Next?

Now that you've got this set up, it's probably not a bad idea to read more about what's going on. The official PostgreSQL Docs make a good reference:
