Hello Lingo
If you've paid any attention to heal & fitness tech over the past few years, you'll know that CGM's (continuous glucose monitors) are all the rage. Their value prop is a simple one — monitor how the food you eat affects your metabolism (via blood sugar and insulin reponse).
I've been curious abou this tech for years, so I've finally decided to give it a shot. This will be a series of posts highlighting my exeriences using the Lingo CGM device & app made by Abbot (the same folks that make the Freestyle Libre).
My guess is that the Lingo is a more consumer-focused device that's geared toward diet & exercise than toward managing Diabetes.
Here's what I'm hoping to understand.
- What foods spike blook sugar, and how bad is it.
- Do individual days on a low-carb regimine actually have much impact on blood sugar.
- Do products like Ketone-IQ have any impact on what this sensor measures.
- How do my on-the-bike activities (exercise) impact this as well.
I'm excited. I'm a nerd yes, but I think tech like this actually has the potention for HUGE benefits in our daily lives.